All children need a balanced diet to allow their bodies and minds to develop; those with celiac disease or gluten sensitivity are especially at risk of nutritional and vitamin deficiencies.…
Freshology underscores its support for gluten intolerant customers with their CDF sponsorship and new gluten-free meal plan Freshology, a Los Angeles based meal delivery service for health–aware consumers, has become…
A recent study out of Finland investigated how a gluten-free diet, the treatment for CD, helps these asymptomatic patients who have no symptoms to tell them if their treatment is working.
The Celiac Disease Foundation Medical Advisory Board, together with the National Board of Directors submitted a letter to the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force supporting the North American Society for the Study of Celiac Disease (NASSCD) comments on the Task Force's draft research plan for screening for celiac disease. Among other comments, the NASSCD encouraged the USPSTF to focus on high risk individuals (those who are symptomatic, have associated diseases or a family history) in their research.
Celiac Disease Foundation gratefully acknowledges The Almond Board of California for their support of the celiac and gluten-sensitive community, and for providing the following: If you’re reading this article, you…
The University of Chicago Celiac Disease Center has been investigating the mechanisms through which viral infections, in particular gastrointestinal viruses, can contribute to the inflammatory response occurring in celiac disease.
After diagnosis, celiac disease (CD) patients must get regular check ups to see if they are responding to their gluten-free diet. Up to 20% of patients have non-responsive celiac disease…
Regulations that tell consumers just what it means when a product is labeled "gluten free" take effect on Tuesday — a "major milestone," says one of the leading experts on gluten disorders.
By Maureen Mackey, The Fiscal Times August 6, 2014 What Happened. The Food and Drug Administration created a new standard for gluten-free food labeling. Any packaged food that is labeled…
On August 2, 2013, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced its long-awaited gluten-free food labeling rule. According to the rule, when a manufacturer chooses to put “gluten-free” on food packaging,…
Last month, the Celiac Disease Foundation had the privilege of sponsoring the 2024 International Celiac Disease Symposium in Sheffield, UK. As the first patient advocate invited to chair and present on a scientific panel, CEO Marilyn Geller co-chaired the End Points in Clinical Trials session with Dr. Francisco Leon, CEO of...