The U.S. Congress and federal agencies are making decisions on policies that impact the celiac disease community, such as the labeling of gluten in medicines, access to medical care, and federal funding for celiac disease research. To make sure that these policy decisions reflect the needs of all celiac disease patients, we need you to make your voice heard. 

The best way to ensure that your needs are considered in these important policy decisions is by sharing your story with Members of Congress and explaining how specific policies will affect you and your loved ones. This is why we need you to take action in support of our policy priorities- because your voice is powerful and can make all the difference.

Help us make the voices of celiac disease patients heard by sending our email templates to your Members of Congress asking them to join the Celiac Disease Caucus, support the Food Labeling Modernization Act of 2023, support the Medical Nutrition Therapy Act of 2024, and support our appropriations requests for FY25 below. Thank you for helping us advocate for a better future for all celiac disease patients.