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Become a Beta Tester for the Unified Celiac Disease Registry – Now Through January 15, 2016

The UCDR allows users to report online the patient experience of living with celiac disease and other gluten-related disorders in order to further accelerate research into treatments and a cure. Be the first to share your skills to accelerate a cure for celiac disease. Contact [email protected] to request an invitation and receive a CDF Team Gluten-Free t-shirt for your feedback.

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CDF Invites Medical and Research Community to Comment on Unified Celiac Disease Patient Registry

Celiac Disease Foundation was selected in December 2014 to participate in PCORnet, the national resource designed to harness the power of partnerships and health data to allow researchers to conduct clinical research faster, more efficiently, and less expensively than is possible now. There is a 30 day period for our medical and research communities to review and comment upon the Celiac Disease Specific Questions.

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