Celiac Disease Centers – Telehealth
Find experts in the diagnosis and management of celiac disease at specialized celiac disease centers across the United States. The Celiac Disease Unit Recognition Program (CDURP), developed by the Society for the Study of Celiac Disease (SSCD), recognizes units that have demonstrated a commitment to delivering quality celiac disease diagnosis and treatment as reflected in their unit policies, credentialing, staff training and competency assessment, and quality improvement activities.
CDURP - Recognized Units
Boston Children's Hospital Celiac Disease Program
Telehealth: (617) 355-2946
Dr. Jocelyn Silvester
Dr. Dascha Weir
Tara McCarthy, RD
Columbia University Celiac Disease Center
Dr. Amy DeFelice (212) 305-5903
Dr. Peter Green (212) 305-5741
Dr. Arnold Han (212) 342-4508
Dr. Philip Kazlow (212) 305-5590
Dr. Suneeta Krishnareddy (212) 342-4508
Dr. Benjamin Lebwohl (212) 342-4508
Jessica Lebowitz (212) 342-4529
Anne Lee (212) 342-4529
Dr. Suzanne Lewis (212) 305-7492
Dr. Jacqueline Jossen (212) 305-5903
Email: [email protected]
Mass. General Hospital Center for Celiac Research and Treatment
Celiac Center (617) 724-8476 press 1 to make an appointment for:
Pamela Cureton RD (617) 726-8705
Dr. Alessio Fasano (617) 643-9941
Dr. Maureen Leonard (617) 726-8705
Dr. Mark Salvatore (617) 726-8705
General GI Clinic (617) 726-8705
University of Chicago Celiac Disease Center
Telehealth for Cormer Children’s Hospital:
Physicians – Dr Carol Semrad, Dr Sonia Kupfer, and Dr Vijaya Rao (773) 702-6140
Macy Mears and Vicki Gainsberg, Pediatrics and Nutrition (773) 702-5948
Lori Welstead and Courtney Schuchmann for Adult Patients (773) 702-7593
Vanderbilt Medical Center
Telehealth for TN, KY, MS and AL residents only: (615) 322-0128
Other Celiac Disease Centers and Programs
Children's Hospital Colorado Center for Celiac Disease
Telehealth for Colorado residents only: (720) 777-6669 press 1
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Center for Celiac Disease
Telehealth: (215) 590-3630
Patricia Bierly (800) 879-2467
Dr. Lisa Fahey (800) 879-2467
Dr. Steven Fusillo (215) 590-3630
Dr. Arunjot Singh (800) 879-2467
Children’s National Health System Celiac Disease Program
Telehealth: Multi-Disciplinary Celiac Disease Clinic (gastroenterology, psychology, education, nutrition) on Fridays
Email: [email protected]
Dr. Vahe Badalyan (202) 476-5000
Dr. Shayna Coburn (301) 765-5400
Riley Hospital for Children in Indianapolis
For Celiac studies and research please email [email protected]
For general inquiries please call 317-944-0980
Mayo Clinic
Mayo Clinic’s campus in Rochester, Minnesota
Adult Celiac Disease Cinic, Sarah Dunlap, Joseph Murray, MD (507) 284-5255
Pediatric Celiac Disease Clinic (507) 266-4950
Stony Brook Children’s Celiac Disease and Gluten Sensitivity Center
Stony Brook Children’s Celiac Disease & Gluten Sensitivity Center
Anupama Chawla [email protected]
Lesley Small-Harary [email protected]
Contact: (631) 444-8115
UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital Oakland
Telehealth: (510) 428-3058
Email: [email protected]
University of Iowa Celiac Disease Clinic at the James A. Clifton Center for Digestive Diseases
Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center
Telehealth: (336) 713-4500
Alternate phone: (336) 713-4524
Email: [email protected] or [email protected]
Fax: 336-713-4501