The Celiac Disease Foundation adds a stand alone
Gluten-Free EXPO on Sunday, May 5th to it Annual National Educational Conference
Los Angeles, California – April 8, 2013

The Celiac Disease Foundation Kicks off Celiac Disease Awareness month by adding a Gluten-Free EXPO making its annual event a 2-day affair.
For the first time in its history, CDF is adding a stand alone gluten-free EXPO on the Sunday after its national annual event. In the past, entry to the EXPO was part of the Saturday program and limited to Educational Conference attendees. The largest US event of its kind will be held at the Pasadena Convention Center on May 5th from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 pm.
“We realized that the current demand for Gluten-Free products expands far beyond the scope of our celiac community. We have over 100 exhibitors that are eager to provide samples of their GF goodies to the masses.” Explains CDF’s Development Director, Deborah Ceizler. Ms. Ceizler reminds us “for those with celiac disease, a gluten-free diet is not an option. But there are millions of people who choose a gluten-free diet for a multitude of reasons. This EXPO is a great way for anyone interested in, or even just curious about, gluten-free foods to try them, get credible information and network.”
CDF’s Annual National Educational Conference takes place the day before the EXPO on Saturday, May 4th from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The conference provides an in- depth educational experience for physicians, nurses, researchers, advocates, volunteers, celiac disease sufferers and their support systems. Experts from the medical and nutritional communities will provide specialized information and the latest research on celiac disease and non-celiac gluten insensitivity: all geared toward facilitating a successful, practical and enjoyable gluten-free lifestyle.
For more information and tickets to the EXPO and/or the conference, please click here or call Deborah Ceizler at (818) 716-1513 Ext. 103.
To arrange an interview or obtain additional content to promote National Celiac Disease Awareness Month (May 2013), please click here to contact Marilyn Geller or call (818) 716-1513 Ext. 102.
About the Celiac Disease Foundation (CDF): CDF was founded in 1990 and is a globally recognized national non-profit organization. CDF strives to promote awareness and build a supportive community for patients, families and health care professionals. CDF is actively involved in advocating for patient concerns and networking with other national and international organizations.
About celiac disease: Celiac disease is a permanent intolerance to the wheat proteins (gluten) found in wheat, barley and rye. Celiac disease affects about one percent of Americans with the vast majority of celiacs [up to 95%] undiagnosed. When celiacs ingest gluten, the small intestinal villi are destroyed and the body’s ability to absorb basic nutrients is damaged. Left untreated, damage may become chronic and life threatening. Click here for a list of celiac disease symptoms.