Stronger Together In The Face of Crisis #CeliacUnited #CoeliacUnited
#CeliacUnited #CoeliacUnited is an international campaign of solidarity in the face of COVID-19 during this May Celiac Disease Awareness Month. In partnership with celiac organizations around the world, the Celiac Disease Foundation is promoting the #CeliacUnited and #CoeliacUnited hashtags on social media for our community to show support for those with celiac disease worldwide. Share these images on your social media channels with the hashtag #CeliacUnited or #CoeliacUnited during the month of May to show that we are stronger together in the face of crisis.
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram Square
Use this image on Facebook, Twitter, & Instagram. Be sure to use the hashtag #CeliacUnited in your post.

Facebook Cover photo
Make this image your cover photo on Facebook & Twitter to show your support for those with celiac disease worldwide during the month of May.