Gluten-Free Prairie

Gluten-Free Oatmeal

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We know that oats are naturally gluten-free but often cross-contaminated in the ­field. We also know that oats are among the most nutritious of all cereal grains making them the perfect addition to any diet. And our GFP Oats can take a healthy gluten-free diet to a whole new level.  GFP Oatmeal is truly RAW. Naturally hull-less requiring minimal processing, GFP oatmeal has not been soaked or steamed. Bonus: there is no hull debris to remove prior to packaging. Additionally we’ve been really impressed with their 18 month shelf-life. This variety of hull-less oat is also higher in protein than many other varieties. Most oats are approx. 13% protein, while Gluten-Free Prairie Oatmeal consistently tests out between 17 & 22% protein.

Allergens & Preferences


Whole Grain Oats