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Dietary Supplementation Advice for Celiac Patients on a Long-Term Gluten-Free Diet

Often, when a patient is following a long-term gluten-free diet with good compliance, micronutrient deficiencies cannot be detected. This review - published in the scientific journal Medicina - evaluates the most recent literature on micronutrient deficiencies in patients following a long-term gluten-free diet in order to provide dietary supplementation advice. The study concludes that in patients with micronutrient deficiencies caused by celiac disease, vitamin supplements may be necessary.

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Best Practices in Pediatric Celiac Disease Management

A team of pediatric medical experts convened at the Children’s National Health Center in Washington, D.C. in January 2013 with a single, ambitious goal – to cull from over 40 years of publications and studies relating to celiac disease in children, a list of best practices for the diagnosis, treatment, and management of this potentially devastating disease.

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